这张专辑是verycd被封之前最后down的两只碟之一,其中另一只是《21st century girl》,其他网站都很难找到完整版本,厦门32how老板有这张CD,还死活不肯告诉我哪里得回来的。更要命的是里面几乎每首歌都是那么好听,仿佛在喃喃地重复,但又有着清新的调子,从三月份坐动车去南京的途中到现在坐巴士去返工,只要有阳光的时候听着这张专辑就会有暖意,还会想起阿cheap,说过了,音乐听觉是有记忆的。想完阿cheap又会在看着蓝天忽略周围建筑时想起加州。因为East L.A. Breeze这首歌就是一群西班牙老男人跑到洛杉矶东部谱的,那个抱着3块钱的Hagen Daz卷缩在沙发看着棕榈树和阳光还有搞笑指示牌的情景又再涌现,人活在回忆里总是不好,但这画面太深刻了,抹不掉,每每被忆起总是笑。
A thought occurred to me
Lying underneath a peach tree
A moment in the sun
Our funny little lives are so brief
Our frail little bones
We’re here and then we’re gone
Sometimes the lonely days
Turn into the lonely decades
Old ladies on their own
The world they knew has drifted away
Like little puffs of smoke
We’re here and then we’re gone
(Old Ladies and bi-a-tches,the world we knew has not drifted away)
最喜欢high light的这句,因为轮到puffs时的爆破音很好听